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Total Current Listings: 1656     


Massage Therapist Database

 Listing Request

Please enter the following information and complete as many fields as possible.  Upon approval your listing will be added to the appropriate state / country pages of our site.  If you would like higher visibility on our pages see our banners and sponsors page for more information.

Submit Massage Therapist Form

The following form is for practicing Massage Therapists to add themselves to our online database. 

To list an Accredited School or training facility go here 
To list a Certified Association or Guild go here.  

IMPORTANT NOTES:  this icon indicates a note - mouse over to read. = indicates a note - mouse over to read

Please check your email address for accuracy.  If you use a false email address or mistype it, then you will not be included in the listings.  Part of the approval process includes an email response from the address you enter. 

The text you enter here is the "exact way" your listing will be displayed on our listing pages.  That said, forms typed using "ALL CAPITAL LETTERS" will not be considered.  If a heading does not apply, simply leave it blank.  Repetitious entries will not be allowed.  In the case of duplicate entries the newest entry will automatically be used.

To check for an existing listing go here.
To change an existing listing go here.  
Having a problem submitting the form go here.  
* - Designates a required field  

* Full Name:

Professional Title:

Company Name:

Telephone number:


FAX number:


* E-mail:

Web site address: 


Enter your mailing address information here: 

The next fields (below) are used to index your listing by area, it is very important that the information is entered properly.  If it is incorrectly entered your listing may not appear in the correct geographical area. 

What if I have more than one address or facility?  Click here for details

Address line 1:

Address line 2:

* City:  


IMPORTANT NOTES:  This section is very important as it may change the way your listing appears online or can decide if you get listed at all. 

Since listings are alphabetically based (by Country, then State, then City) if you do not list a city or list an invalid city entry (above) your listing will automatically be moved to the very end of the result lists. 

State/Province: Note: Since listings are alphabetically based (by Country, then State, then City) if you do not list a State or Region here your listing will automatically be moved to the very end of the result lists.

Note: Inside US - Only use two letters in this field! Click here for list Inside US    Note: Outside US - enter province or region name here. Outside US

* Country:


Postal Code:


Enter the following optional information exactly the way you would like it to appear in the listing (please, not in ALL CAPITAL letters).  Repetitious items may be removed and we reserve the right to edit your entry. 


characters left
Note: This will appear exactly as you enter it here - Limit 300 characters: count letters and spaces


characters left
Note: This will appear exactly as you enter it here - Limit 300 characters: count letters and spaces

Certified with:

characters left
Note: This will appear exactly as you enter it here - Limit 300 characters: count letters and spaces

Registered with:

characters left
Note: This will appear exactly as you enter it here - Limit 300 characters: count letters and spaces

The following information will be included in the listing and will appear exactly as you enter it here (please, not in ALL CAPITAL letters).  It is intended for a brief description of your practice or area of expertise.  Limit 255 characters (letters and spaces) in each section. 

characters left
Note: Description of your practice - This will appear exactly as you enter it here - Limit 300 characters: count letters and spaces

The following information will not be included in the listing.  It is just a place for your feedback about our web site and services or any general comment  to us. 


characters left
Note: Comments - This will not appear in your listing - Limit 300 characters: count letters and spaces

   Press the submit form button to complete your listing.  Once your listing has been reviewed and approved it will appear in the online database.


Having a problem submitting the form go here.  

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